Stunning Testimony By Former ICU Nurse

January 12, 2022 1704 Views

Stunning Testimony By Former ICU Nurse: “Everyone Who Died With COVID Should Be Considered Murdered”

Originally posted on, January 12, 2022

Former ICU nurse Morgan Wallace gave a stunning testimony at her local school board meeting last week saying that medical authorities are responsible for COVID deaths by failing to promote early treatment protocols.

Wallace also stated that she quit her job over vaccine mandates and then exposed the fact that the shots didn’t protect anyone from contracting the disease.
Registered nurse Morgan Wallace spoke at a New Hanover County school board meeting in Wilmington, North Carolina on Tuesday, Jan. 4th, 2022

Wallace, who attended the meeting at New Hanover County in Wilmington, North Carolina, said:

“I’m Morgan Wallace. I’m a 10-year employee of New Hanover County [hospital].

I worked in the cardiovascular ICU for five years, I was your last line of defense with COVID.”

The experienced nurse went on to say that government officials who withheld alternative treatments for COVID are guilty of murder.

“Everyone who died with COVID should be considered murdered.

Early treatment has always been effective.

After quitting her job as an ICU nurse over vaccine mandates, she has started her own practice.

“I am the only person in town treating COVID patients prior to hospitalization.

Wallace worked for five years in the cardiovascular intensive care unit at New Hanover Hospital

The COVID vaccines are treated as the main tool to tackling the pandemic but Wallace noted:

“I also watched the entire staff at the hospital, including my unit, get vaccinated and then get COVID.

Wallace, a highly decorated and respected nurse at New Hanover Hospital, said goodbye to a ten-year career at the hospital:

I chose to walk out and stand up for what is right.

Wallace concluded by saying:

“The cat is out of the bag and people are speaking globally, including the inventor of the vaccine.